
Computer Image Synthesis

Instructor: Gayle Gorman

office hours W; 6 – 7pm rm139

M&W rm136... 7:30pm – 10:00pm


Requirements:This course presupposes that students have a working visual vocabulary, both as producers and consumers of images. Knowledge of the technical aspects of photography, both digital and traditional, is required; Adobe Photoshop, Adobe AfterEffects, FinalCutPro, iMovie will not be taught to you, rather it is understood that you already have working skills in these programs. It is crucial that you understand concepts of image resolution, scanning, printing, time-based video editing and animation, and possess the ability and desire to engage in critical and theoretical discussions regarding art, culture, and yourself.

Format: This course is designed to be 1/2 Lab & 1/2 Lecture: class meetings are both seminar-based with reading/discussion/film-viewing etc, and Lab-based sessions being geared towards in-class digital exercises. All Lab & Lecture work feed into the 3 Major Projects which will be worked on primarily out-of-class with critiques and presentations taking place within class. READING and WRITING are required.

Themes:The thematic emphasis' of the course will be on a) expanding ones working visual vocabulary as "cultural capital", and b) creating a personal responsible informed and relevant context for ones use of images' regarding their origins and meanings in the face of recontextualization as made possible specifically by the present digital age.


Alternative forms of presentation will be explored and expected. Contemporary artmaking and conditions of appropriation will be looked at, as well as philosophical, ideological, and analytical readings. Students will be expected to participate in classroom discussions in order to pass the class. Students will also be required to write in response to what they see and read, as well as about their own projects and their own role as content providers.


Expect to spend a considerable amount of time outside of class in the computer lab.

It is your responsibility to inform yourself of all Lab Guidelines and requirements regarding hours, access, printing, etc.

Be prepared to back up all of your work onto your own disc for safekeeping.

No exemptions will be given for lost work due to computer problems or lost discs, etc.

All work must be turned in following naming and filing instructions or credit will not be given... if it is not in the correct folder or named correctly, it will not be graded. No emailing of files for turn-in purposes will be accepted.



Projects = 25% each

Participation = 10%

In-Class Exercises & Writings = 15%

Critiques missed/no work for crit = 1 letter grade/10 pts off that project grade



this course is based on the exploration of meaning and context of photographic images in the digital age. There will be 3 major projects worked on primarily out of class and approximately 5 in-class projects completed during lab sessions. The major projects will require written propsals and individual meetings to discuss your ideas and work through them.

You will be graded with specific criteria given per project but formally based on PRE-PRODUCTION/CONCEPT, DEVELOPMENT/PROCESS, and FINAL RESOLUTION.

Space, Memory, Identity are our project concepts.

the meaning of the sign changes through your shifting visual fields

detach the signififier from the signified

dangle the image


Project 1 Due Feb28MONDAYforCRITpresentation

Project 2 Due April4MONDAYforCRITpresentation

Project 3Due May2MONDAYforCRITpresentation. last class. last crit. last chance.


Attendance is mandatory.:

3 or more unauthorized absences result in a grading penalty: 3 absences = 1 letter grade off; each additional absence = 1/2 letter grade off. Legitimate reasons are illness, emergencies, funerals. If classes must be missed, students are required to complete the missed work as homework and submit it by the start of the next class. It is the responsibility of students to keep themselves aware of all missed work via web pages, other students, or by contacting the instructor. If possible, students should inform the instructor of upcoming absences.

Students are expected to be on time and prepared for every class and to stay for the class duration.

Chronic lateness (beyond 10 minutes), leaving early, or abuse of break time result in a grading penalty (3 lateness/early leavetakings = 1 absence).

No Incompletes will be given!


Diagnosed Disability

Students with a diagnosed disability that affects participation in class and course work should advise the instructor at the beginning of the course in order that alternative arrangements for reasonable accommodation can be made. Special services are available through the Offices of Services for the Handicapped, 25 Capen Hall, North Campus (645-2608).


link to readings/watchings page

link to workSamples page

link to workDue page

link to links page

link to imageSrcs page